One Simple Way To Improve Low Back Pain

Low back pain is extremely common and will come up for almost everyone at some point in their lives.

We do a lot of Physical Therapy for low back pain here at Wagner PT & Performance and we've helped a lot of people get out of pain and back to what they love. Low back pain is complicated and the treatment is no different.

However, there are some simple things that you can do to reduce your chances of having low back pain and improve back pain if you are currently dealing with it. Keep reading to find out one simple way to improve low back pain.

Hip Hinge For a Healthy Low Back

You may have heard the term "hip hinge" before. It means just what it sounds like. You hinge at your hips, usually to pick something up from the floor. This can be trained in many ways. A popular and very effective way is doing a deadlift. 

Check out this video for an explanation of the deadlift and a drill we use at Wagner PT & Performance to teach this movement pattern. It is definitely one simple way to improve low back pain and can be very effective.

Learn How To Deadlift

Deadlift To Improve Low Back Pain

Once you have mastered the hip hinge pattern, it's time to strengthen! 

A hip hinge is so important because it teaches you how to load your hips and use them to lift instead of just your spine. Your spine musculature will always be working in this movement (and that is a good thing), but we want to make sure you can also use your hips effectively.

If you regularly train the hip hinge, you'll build a strong and resilient low back. 

Check out some of our favorite ways to train the hip hinge.

Deadlift for Low Back Pain

Trap Bar Deadlift

Kettlebell Deadlift

Kickstand Deadlift


Learning how to deadlift properly is one of the best ways to rehab your low back and prevent further injuries.

Don’t be afraid of the deadlift, just take it slow if you’re new to it.

Low Back Pain Physical Therapy in Lakeville, MA

We work with patients dealing with low back pain all the time. A good hip hinge is just one thing that can help relieve and prevent low back pain.

If you're dealing with low back pain, give us a call. We'll go through a super detailed evaluation, build a custom treatment plan and get you back to the things you love without pain.

Check out all our Orthopedic services.


Thanks for checking out our article about one simple way to improve low back pain.

Check out this testimonial from a previous patient with low back pain:

Working with Dr. Wagner the past 3 months has been life changing for me. I have suffered severe back pain for years and the moment I began working with Dr. Wagner I felt almost immediate relief. Now 3 months later I have had zero back pain for 4 weeks straight. He is great at attention to detail, setting achievable goals and truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend Dr. Wagner to anyone looking for help with pain management.

Danielle L.

Want to read more testimonials? Check out our page on Google HERE


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